荣耀magic2摄像头如何 魔法屏幕滑屏设计令人遐想

|2018-08-31 19:48:52





  There’s no notch, no chin and you can slide out the camera manually。(没有缺口,没有下巴,你可以手动滑出相机。)


  外媒Android Authority则称:荣耀Magic 2虽然看起来很像OPPO Find X,但它不是一个机械化的"滑块",而是通过向后推动手动延伸.


  (The smartphone looked similar to the Oppo Find X with the back slide out at the top, but it didn’t appear to be a mechanized slider, and extended manually by pushing upwards at the back)


  可见荣耀Magic 2和OPPO Find X还是有很多不同的。据了解,荣耀Magic 2将在全面屏设计上实现新的跨越,配备全新的Magic Slide魔法全面屏。


  现在的全面屏方案花样繁多,vivo NEX的升降式、OPPO Find X的双轨潜望式都令人惊叹。
